Thursday, December 31, 2015

Boones Toss

Remember that time I got asked to buy four bottles of Boones Farm, wink, don't ask questions. 

Ok, but what are we going to do with 7% abv impostor wine?

Hello Boones Toss, goodbye Slap the Bag. One of the better things to come out of 2015. 

No Filter - it's like drinking Rainbow Brite's tears

I assure you this post is in no way sponsored by the company - but I have to imagine they are well aware of the game. People don't just willingly buy a case of Boones at a time because it's that good for a midday sipper. Maybe middle class bored stay at home step-moms. 

The jist of the game as it was explained to me was quite simple: 1) Take a swig of Boones 2) Throw it to someone else 3) You can only catch and throw with one hand

Erm - hand eye coordination skills equal nadda. But I'm for giving it a shot. 

We go outside to play and bottles are being thrown through the air, while opened. Missed that in the directions. 

Boones over there. Boones over here. Boones in my hair. BOONES everywhere. 

It's like an alcoholic version of paint ball. Drink a little, get spilled on a lot, realize you've actually drank quite a bit, pass out. Wake up with massive gut rot.

My picture repository is failing me on having actual images of this glorious game in action, so I have drawn an MS Paint reenactment below. Happy New Year folks. 

Also, how ridiculous is it that because of one nameless shameless friend we're not allowed to play with Fuzzy Navel?! When she studied abroad and was served a "fancy" peach desert she didn't realize you weren't supposed to eat the pit. Swallowed. Whole. Which is pretty impressed things considered, but a life of peach induced dry heaving. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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